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Make A Change

Holding Hands

Make a Change is a new programme in Trafford to help those who are experiencing unhealthy relationships and recognise that they need support to change certain behaviours to ensure the relationship does not become abusive in the future. 

The programme is delivered in Trafford by TLC (Talk, Listen, Change) and TDAS (Trafford Domestic Abuse Services) with TLC delivering support to those using abusive behaviour in their intimate relationships and TDAS offering separate and confidential support to partners/ex-partners and the children.

Services include:

• Direct work with people who are concerned about their behaviour towards their partner and/or ex-partner, including a full 26-week programme.

• Proactive support to the partners and ex-partners of people referred to the service.

• Briefings and trainings for professionals who want to strengthen their response to domestic abuse.

• Community outreach, including to the friends and family of people using abusive behaviour and/or accessing our services.



To self refer or make a referral please contact TLC: Talk, Listen, Change on 0161 872 1100 or email 


For queries regarding support for partners and ex-partners, please contact TDAS on 0161 872 7368.

For Professionals to register for the upcoming Recognise, Respond and Refer training please click the link below.

Make a Change has been developed by Respect in partnership with Women's Aid Federation England

Respect Partnership
Women's Aid Federation England

Registered Charity No: 1120983  Company Limited by Guarantee Registered No: 2915937  

Patron: Baroness Hughes of Stretford 

​​Call us:

0161 872 7368

​​Refuge Services:

07845 443 840

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