Our specialist team of Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) work with adults in the Trafford area, aged 16 and over, who are identified as being at high and increased risk of domestic abuse.
Our IDVAs provide professional support and guidance to victims of domestic abuse throughout their journey from crisis to safety. This is achieved through collaborative working within a multi-agency framework where the safety of the victim, and their children, is always at the heart of any work undertaken.
An IDVA will:
Act as the victim’s first point of contact
Address immediate safety concerns
Ensure robust safety plans are in place to protect victims and their children
Liaise and support victims to navigate the civil and criminal justice systems
Advocate for victims
Enable victims to access services and support to reduce further risk
If you are concerned about your safety please contact our Supportline on 0161 872 7368 and speak to one of the TDAS team.
To refer to the IDVA service a DASH will need to be completed with the client and a referral into Trafford MARAC. Please see blank MARAC referral form below.