Community Outreach Service

Trafford Domestic Abuse Services (TDAS) offer a range of community based support services to adults over the age of 18 who live or work in Trafford. Our Domestic Abuse Advisers will listen to you without judging and offer pathways to support.
Domestic Abuse Surgery
The Domestic Abuse Surgery provides up to 6 sessions of emotional support and constructive advice for those who are experiencing or have previously experienced domestic abuse.
It is an appointment-based service offering face to face contact at our offices.
The service includes:
Active listening
Support in understanding the dynamics of domestic abuse
Providing information
- Referring/signposting to internal and external services
- Pro-active advice
Exploring your options
To self refer please call us on 0161 872 7368.
If you are a professional or agency please download and complete the referral form below and return it to
Male DA Surgery
The community outreach service is for those who require longer term support because of their experiences, whether past or present, of domestic abuse. The service offers support that is tailored to individual need to assist you through your journey.
If you choose to remain in an abusive relationship, we can offer support with safety planning, risk management and helping you to be aware of other options available to you.
If you choose to leave the abusive relationship, we can help by giving you information on a range of services that may assist your decision, such as civil remedies, refuge accommodation, support groups, police support and children and young people's support.
If you have already left the relationship we can offer support around the impact and effects that domestic abuse has on adults and children, working with you to help you take positive steps to move forward with your life and aide your recovery;
We are also able to signpost you to other services you may need such as:
Legal support
Employment rights help
Charities offering financial assistance
Drug, alcohol and health support
To self refer please call us on 0161 872 7368.
If you are a professional or agency please download and complete the referral form below and return it to
We have a male domestic abuse advisor who provides up to 6 sessions of emotional support and constructive advice for men who are experiencing or have previously experienced domestic abuse.
It is an appointment-based service offering face to face contact at our offices.
The service includes:
Active listening
Support in understanding the dynamics of domestic abuse
Providing information
- Referring/signposting to internal and external services
- Pro-active advice
Exploring your options
To self refer please call us on 0161 872 7368.
If you are a professional or agency please download and complete the referral form below and return it to
Outreach Service
Support Line
The Support Line offers telephone support for anyone affected by domestic abuse including family, friends, carers and professionals working with people affected by domestic abuse. The service provides opportunity to get advice, support, signposting or onward referrals to TDAS services. The service is confidential and is delivered by a team who are trained to be non-judgemental and empathetic.
You can receive telephone support by calling 0161 872 7368. If we are unable to immediately support you, please leave a voicemail with your details and we will call you back within 24 hours (Monday to Friday).
In case of an emergency or if you need immediate support please contact the emergency services on 999 or 101.