
ADViSE Programme to be piloted in Greater Manchester
October 4, 2020
Greater Manchester will be the first area to ever implement the ADViSE Programme for victims of domestic or sexual violence and abuse. Sexual health clinics in Manchester, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford will take part in the training to learn how to better identify, respond and refer patients who have experienced Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) and Sexual Violence (SV). Read more here:

Sam Fisher TDAS' Chief Exec on TDAS' 30 year Anniversary
Sam Fisher, TDAS’ Chief Exec talks about the progress TDAS has made over the last 30 years and our vision for a future where young people are educated about healthy relationships, saving them from the pain of domestic abuse. Sam thanks all those who’ve contributed to TDAS over the years through donations, volunteering and support.

Sofia's Story of Supporting TDAS as a Trustee and Chair of the Board
November 19, 2020
Read Sofia’s story of her involvement with TDAS. As a trustee and chair of the board she’s been instrumental in leading TDAS’ development over the last 12 years, including opening the service to male victims of domestic abuse and ensuring service provision to all Trafford communities.

TDAS to receive support from Coop Local Community Fund
November 10, 2020
TDAS are delighted that our True Colours Courses have been chosen to benefit from the Co-op Local Community Fund over the next 12 months.
TDAS True Colours is an important course that allows people to learn about the dynamics and realities of domestic abuse within a supportive group setting. Many participants find it life-changing.
Co-op members, please select us as your local cause by visiting ,logging into your account and selecting TDAS. Then when you buy selected branded products and services, the Co-op will give a donation to TDAS.
If you’d like to support TDAS as you shop, you can join online at or via the app at
Thanks to Coop Local Community Fund for selecting TDAS and to Coop Members for your support!

Child Victims of Abuse to Get Help and Support Thanks to Freemasons
October 19, 2020
As many as 75 local children and young people across the North West, who have been the victims of violence and domestic abuse will be helped thanks to a grant of £70,000 to TDAS from Cheshire and West Lancashire Freemasons.
Samantha Fisher, Chief Executive Officer of Trafford Domestic Abuse Service, said:
“We’re very grateful to Cheshire and West Lancashire Freemasons for their generous grant, which will provide vital support for families in our refuge accommodation. It will help so many families to heal together and move on from the trauma they have endured. Providing this help over three years is amazing because it allows us to support these families in the long term, so they can live a life free from abuse.”

Why Nihal Loves Giving to and Volunteering with TDAS
October 05, 2020
Nihal, one of TDAS' volunteers and a regular donor, said “I have supported TDAS now for about 5 years. It started for me with just assisting with a few presents for families at Christmas to go on to a much more active volunteer role. I feel TDAS has given me so much by allowing me to get actively involved and directly help families. From holding a Christmas party for the refuge children, to helping with events and providing collections of clothing for new refuge families. It is an amazing charity where you know every penny you donate goes to making peoples’ lives better. All the staff at TDAS are so special where nothing is ever too much trouble for them and am so happy they have welcomed me as part of their team. Happy 30th birthday TDAS! I look forward to continuing to support TDAS for the next 3 decades! “
Interested in volunteering? Contact to find out more.
Want to donate to support TDAS’ work?

Judith's 24 Years of Supporting TDAS
September 24, 2020
Judith Lloyd is TDAS’ longest serving trustee having supported the charity for 24 years. Judith reflects on the growth and development of TDAS and her pride in the vast progress we’ve made over the years.

Why I Chose to Get Involved with TDAS
September 03, 2020
Andy Mudd is one of TDAS’ trustees. Andy reflects on the importance of men being active in supporting of the work of TDAS. TDAS love to hear from men who want to support our mission to help those breaking free from abuse.

Read Lisa's Story of how TDAS helped her break free from abuse
July 30, 2020
Lisa shares her story of how her boyfriend increasingly controlled and abused her even while she was trying to cut ties with him and how TDAS helped her understand her situation and supported her to rebuild her self-esteem and confidence.

Read Katie's Powerful Story of Surviving and Thriving following Domestic Abuse
July 23, 2020
Katie wanted to share her story to encourage those currently living in refuge. Katie came to the TDAS refuge with her 6 year old son ten years ago. Since then she’s set about achieving many of her life’s ambitions.

Bernice's Memories of Advocating for Refuge in the 1990s
July 15, 2020
Before I was a Local Councillor I worked in another area as a Housing Manager for a Housing Association. I remember one occasion where a woman came into the office. It was a winter’s day and it had been snowing. She was in crisis. As she sat there talking to me, her eye was swelling up. When she had been out in the cold, the swelling had been suppressed, but as she was warming up her eye just began to balloon! ...
Continue reading by clicking the link

TDAS Supported by Global's Make Some Noise Emergency Appeal
August 03, 2020
Global’s Make Some Noise Emergency Appeal is supporting small UK charities particularly affected by Covid 19. TDAS has dealt with an unprecedented volume of calls during the pandemic.
We featured on LBC radio where Vicky, a domestic abuse advisor at TDAS, reflects on her own experience of domestic abuse and how victims during lockdown have found it even harder than usual to flee and to access the support they need. TDAS has responded creatively to ensure individuals receive the support they need.

Global's Make Some Noise Emergency Appeal
July 02, 2020
A huge, huge thank you to everyone who supported Global's Make Some Noise
Emergency Appeal. It raised over £1,700,000 to help small charities like TDAS, a tremendous result! Thanks to all who undertook challenges, participated and donated.

How did TDAS’ begin?
June 25, 2020
In 1987 three women incensed by the lack of support given to women experiencing domestic abuse decided to create the first women’s refuge in Trafford. They fundraised for three years until in 1990 they were able to take on and renew a derelict building. Their first challenge was to make it habitable and then to make it a place of safety, welcome and solace for women experiencing domestic abuse. This was the start of Trafford Women’s Aid.
Over the years we’ve expanded our services to not just provide refuge, although this continues to be a very important service, but also to provide services in the community and support to children whose families are experiencing domestic abuse.
We changed our name in 2012 to Trafford Domestic Abuse Services (TDAS) to reflect the fact that men also experience abuse and we are proud to support and help them. Over the years we’ve helped and supported thousands of people to break free from domestic abuse and to move on to a much happier future.
We want to thank all those who over the last 30 years have played their part in making TDAS what it is today; whether founder, staff member, volunteer, funder or individual donor – you have made a real difference and without your unique contribution TDAS would not have been able to help so many people! Thank you!

TDAS providing Trafford IDVA Services
April 17, 2020
TDAS is pleased to announce that since 1st April 2020 we are providing the IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) service in Trafford, with all current cases being seamlessly transferred. This service supports victims of domestic abuse over the age of 16 who are at high risk of harm. Our IDVAs provide professional support and guidance to victims of domestic abuse throughout their journey from crisis to safety. This is achieved through collaborative working within a multi-agency framework where the safety of the victim, and their children, is always at the heart of any work undertaken.
Sam Fisher, TDAS CEO, commented “Having the IDVA service within TDAS provides a front door for Trafford families and individuals effected by domestic abuse offering holistic support and allowing for the fluidity of risk, it enables cases to be rapidly escalated to an IDVA, as soon as an increased risk is detected. This will ensure victims get quick support in an intensifying situation.” “Unfortunately, the coronavirus lockdown has meant that many more cases of domestic abuse are escalating, with victims experiencing increased control and isolation. We are still offering lots of support during the outbreak. We’re providing a callback service for all enquiries this is to help us deal with the current high volume of calls and to prioritise the cases requiring a rapid response.”
For more information visit
Call 0161 872 7368 or text 07534066029 (if safe to do so).
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